Monday, January 16, 2006

A Note of Congratulations...

I've been reading blogs for a couple of years now. One of the very first sexual blogs I ever started reading was "Submissive Reflections" by Sarah. She and her man were married back in October (I think) and Mac decided that this new year, they'd try to have a child. They have succeeded...Sarah is pregnant. I teared up when I read her post and left her a note of congratulations.

She also has a very good blog and it's always been a wonderful read. Drop in and offer her luck and stick around, you'll probably like what you read.

As for our little blog, I'm thinking of a post to write. It's been a little quiet the past week for an obvious reason. We did have some fun the other night that ended up with Master leaving bruises on my shoulders and a view of his teeth imprinted there next morning even. Unfortunately, and I can't figure this, I sometimes will get a painful headache right after we're done. It hurt so bad the other night that I cried. The play itself was rough and the emotional release started the tears, with the headache falling in afterwards.

But a post will hopefully follow here within a day or two.


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