Sunday, February 05, 2006

New Layout

As you can see, I am working on a new design layout. Over the next few days, you may notice a few tweaks of colors on text, and things of that nature. Until it's finished, please bear with me. Unfortunately, in the process of doing the first major update on the ovehaul, I managed to lose all the comments from Haloscan. Not sure if I will be able to retrieve them or not, but if I don't - sorry to all of you who have commented in the past! Please continue to make all the comments you'd like!


Blogger CZ said...

Umm... might I suggest a different text color than red? It's really hard to read against that background.

12:13 PM  
Blogger cva-me said...

Well, that's one of the problems I had. On my preview, I had a much brighter & bolder font, and it didn't transfer correctly. Please bear with me, and I will get it resolved very soon! Thanks for the suggestions!

5:31 PM  

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