Friday, February 10, 2006


I want to take a moment to thank everyone for all the great comments and all the visits to our Blog lately. We appreciate it more than you know. The fact that everyone finds our escapades so entertaining means a lot to us.

Having said that, there isn't much else going on. We've both been pretty busy this week, coupled with llama dealing with 'that time of the month', there has not been any play.

We also have still not gotten delivery of our Liberator. I have gotten annoyed, and called them earlier today to check the status of the order. The lady I spoke to was very polite, but I didn't want to hear what she had to say. They are on backorder, and it will be at least another 5 days before they anticipate shipping. I'm not happy. The lady asked if I wanted to cancel the order and try re-ordering after Valentine's Day. I explained that I wanted it FOR Valentine's Day, and it was to be llamas present. She said there was nothing they could do, they were out of stock on all the covers for them. So, we have no choice but to wait.

llama has been playful this afternoon, despite her period. She told me she was starting to feel out of sorts, and asked me to correct her this evening. More than likely, she will get some 'hard' attention tonight. It won't be for punishment, but it will be pain.

Hope everyone enjoys their weekend. We plan on watching the opening ceremonies of the Winter Olympics... then we'll see what she gets afterward.



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