Friday, August 25, 2006


I need to apologize to all our readers. Blogging had become such a big part of my life for so long. Where'd it go awry? There were days I would spend hours on end reading many different blogs, not just the BDSM ones. I had an ever-growing list of regular reads. Maybe that was the problem.

I made contact with so many different people and accumulated such a large list, it became too much to keep up with. Then it became harder to choose between the adult-content blogs and the vanilla blogs.

I first noted I was slipping keeping up with the BDSM blogs, mostly because it became impossible to read them from work. Our IT folks started keeping an eye on what folks were looking at on the web while at work. So, I had to delete all bookmarks on my work computer, along with clearing out the history and cookies and cache as to not get caught looking at 'inappropriate' material. That of course didn't affect what I could look at home or on my laptop, but my work hours have steadily increased. With that also came a change of sorts in where I was working on certain days - even complicating things more. I will try and clarify so as to not be as cryptic.

I was splitting my work time between a couple different locations. One of those was a very laid-back and easy job. I had very little to do during the working hours to actually complete and fulfill my requirements. This left a great deal of free time while at work to surf the web and read blogs..... and get paid for it at the same time! The internet connection I was using was wireless and with a laptop, no one was really able to track what I was reading - made it easy. Well, several months ago, I had to leave that location and begin working somewhere else. This location not only didn't have a wireless connection, but my work load increased 10 fold. Don't get me wrong, I love the job and it keeps me busy, interested and stimulated - but even if I had the time (which I don't) to read the blogs, I didn't have a safe way to access them. With that change in work location & increase in the work load, also came a dramatic increase in the number of hours I spent at work. This left little time when I finally came home to dedicate to reading any sort of blogs.

Then I noticed I wasn't really reading the vanilla blogs at work anymore, I just didn't have the time. And as with the adult blogs, I didn't really have the free time at home at night anymore to read them. I made these realizations several weeks ago, but didn't have the time to really do much about it. So, here I am.

I am very much out of touch with everyone I used to read daily, often more than once a day. I haven't commented on any of my most favorite reads in months. So guys, I'm sorry. I have not intentionally abandoned anyone. And as is evident from our posts, they are sporadic and short at best.

What little free time I have these days, I have been trying to spend with llama and working on our D/s relationship. As everyone in this lifestyle is very aware, life tends to get in the way of blogging and blog reading. We have made some good progress with many issues we were facing, and we've had several play sessions, but I have slacked in taking pictures and posting pics for HNT.

I am so far behind on my regular reads, it's pathetic. I tried to read several today, since I had a day off, and I was very dismayed to find I was lost as to what is going on in many of our 'friends' lives. That realization is what prompted this post.

I will not promise to read everyday, nor will I promise to post everyday, or put up pics for HNT each week. But I will promise this - for those of you out there that are still reading us, despite the fact that we don't post each day anymore and have not been putting up many pics, I will promise to try and write more often and more regularly.

Along with that, I wish to thank those of you that have stuck with us for this long, and have been patient while these changing circumstances in our life have prevented us from being active on here each day as we had been in the past.


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