Wednesday, June 08, 2005

What makes a Llama tick?

The other night, Llama was with me at home. We have not had much time alone lately, as usual. We certainly have not had any real time to 'play' for the last few weeks. We've been talking about living together. While I realize that all I have to do is tell her to move in, this is a decision I want us to make together. If we make this move, both our lives will be changed forever. I don't take this thought lightly. I realize that this move will ultimately earn her my collar and most likely end in us getting married.

We had a full day of activities this past Saturday, most of the usual things that any regular couple would do during the weekend. By evening, I was feeling like some play time. I instructed her to prepare herself, and return to me. She came back after a few moments, dressed as she had been instructed and assumed her position on her knees next to me. I let her sit and wait for several minutes before I instructed her to follow me to the bedroom.

I know my Llama, and I know her moods. Most days, she needs a constant tightening of her reigns. She wants more and more all the time, and this I look at as a very good thing. Her submission becomes deeper each day, her desire to serve that much stronger. Her training is progressing nicely, and the time and patience that I have invested in her is starting to pay off. I see in her a wonderful woman and submissive.

That night, I could sense in her some apprehension. The reason for it was not clear to me, but I could feel it all the same. I decided not to have a session with her that night. I figured some tenderness was in order. Instead of bondage, dominance, submission, punishment, pain or sex - I decided to make love to her. After a very passionate interlude, I held her as she cried. She has been through a very stressful time over the last few weeks, and it finally caught up to her. She let it all out. There was nothing really wrong, and there was no rational reason for her emotions, but they were there all the same. We stood there for several minutes, I just held her as she cried and let out all the emotions she had been suppressing for weeks. Afterwards, we climbed back into bed and I held her as we drifted off to sleep.

I love this woman. I love her not only for her submission to me, but for for her mind, heart, and soul. I love the way she laughs, cries, stares, giggles, jokes, and constantly works to improve herself. She is eager to learn what it takes to be a good submissive, and each lesson she learns brings her one step closer. She takes each lesson and remembers it, and puts it into practical use. Each day she gets closer, and each day I love her that much more.

Friday, June 03, 2005

So very owned...

And I've never felt better. I feel so much love from You, for You.

As you've seen, much of my submission is quite natural and the rest comes from my desire to do anything and everything I can for You. This brings me great joy, peace, and serenity.

I didn't realize how deep my feelings of submission went. And I'm not sure that I've gotten to the bottom just yet. I may never get there because the deeper I go, the stronger the feeling gets.

I just sigh and smile as I think about You to myself, as we sit and eat dinner together, or when I catch You staring at me with the little smile on Your face.

I happen to love catching you staring at me and I love that little smile. So, no complaints here Master. Nothing but more love than You'll know.